Life Saving Victoria – Updated position regarding COVID-19 Vaccinations
October 15, 2021
Back@The Back Beach, Vol.3
October 25, 2021Exciting news – We are back!
The Club reopens Friday 22nd October
After the exciting announcement of Victoria’s Covid -19 restrictions easing as of this weekend and due to member demand, we will be opening The Club for weekends as of Friday 22nd October.
For the next few weeks, we will be limited to drinks only as we are still unable to secure a kitchen team. We are still also governed by many rules and requirements around us opening and everyone will need to follow and respect these.
The current restrictions allow us to have 50 customers inside and 100 customers outside on the deck.
Everyone will need to follow the following procedures and rules:
- It’s compulsory to book online via our booking system.
- Booking time slots are 4pm – 7pm & 7pm – close
- You’ll be required to show your membership card and sign in using the QR reader
- You’ll need to be double vaccinated which is a condition of entry set by LSV for all lifesaving clubs from Life Saving Victoria.
- Masks are required to be worn on entry and at all times when standing and ordering at the bar
- You’ll need to be seated to take your mask off
- You’ll need to respect the timings of your booking and departure time so that the next group of customers are able to enter the building.
As restrictions continue to ease over the coming weeks and months, we will keep you updated weekly with our opening time and our available services.
Opening Times
Friday 22nd / Saturday 23rd October – 4pm – 11pm (drinks only)
Friday 29th / Saturday 30th October – 4pm – 11pm (drinks & Mr Pickles Deli Food Truck from 5pm)