Dave Flockart’s Story
October 11, 2021
The Club – Exciting news, We are back!
October 19, 2021Dear member,
We are writing to advise you of Life Saving Victoria’s updated position regarding COVID-19 vaccinations.
The current government roadmap for reopening states that participating in physical recreation and community sport, and attending community facilities, swimming pools, and hospitality venues will be permitted for people who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 when the state reaches the 70 per cent double-dose mark, expected on or around 26 October 2021.
Due to the diverse nature of our organisation and the many services and activities we facilitate, this means LSV members, employees, industry and community partners, contractors and visitors will need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by 26 October 2021 to be able to attend an LSV or club facility, deliver an LSV or club service in person, or participate in an LSV or club activity in person, in order to comply with the roadmap.
This extends from our emergency services role to our community sports and recreational activities, and to the training and customer service areas of our operations.
This decision has been made based on public health advice and a comprehensive assessment of our organisation. Critically, it is aligned with the Victorian Government’s roadmap to reopening. Exemptions will apply as per the Chief Health Officer directions and we will support those with a valid exemption to continue to participate in lifesaving in a safe, inclusive way.
The safety and wellbeing of our people and our communities is our highest priority, and we have a duty of care to positively contribute to the pandemic response. This includes taking reasonable steps to avoid harm related to COVID-19 to our members, volunteers, employees and the community, and in particular, any vulnerable members of the communities we work with and serve.
Vaccinations save lives and are critical to Victoria’s and Australia’s reopening plans, though in order for them to work and to protect those most vulnerable, the vast majority of the population needs take up the shared responsibility of getting vaccinated.
A fully vaccinated membership and workforce will help to reduce community transmission rates, minimise the severity of any breakthrough infections and reduce the likelihood of severe disease. It will mean we can continue to provide our lifesaving services to those who need them, and enable us to protect those vulnerable members of our community who cannot be vaccinated or who are most at-risk of breakthrough infections and developing serious complications from COVID-19.
Further information on LSV’s vaccination approach and how it will be managed has been detailed in a comprehensive FAQs document.
We understand that there is some sensitivity and hesitancy regarding COVID-19 vaccines. If this applies to you, we strongly encourage you to seek advice from a medical professional and to reach out to LSV for further support via [email protected].
We are continuing to explore other measures to reduce the potential for transmission at our workplaces, building on those already in place through our COVIDSafe plans.
Thank you for your ongoing support in lifesaving and for your understanding throughout the ever-evolving circumstances of the pandemic.
Kind regards,
Club Support