Victorian Masters Championships 2021
March 14, 2021
Portsea’s Beach Team Cleans Up at Victorian Champs
March 30, 2021Matt,
Thank you and congratulations to you and everyone who assisted with the Pier 2 Perignon. Special thanks of course to Craig and Sam. What a remarkable effort.
The P2P has bookended COVID at both the start last year and hopefully near the end this year. No one else has done that.
Overcoming so many hurdles this year, and wringing a solution out of DHHS has been simply amazing.
There is a lot of love for the P2P in swimmer world. The culture, the challenge, the course, the community and the care make it so. It is a combination also with some very special people – your members.
Robbie and I understand more than most what it takes to put it on. Above all the professional approach the Club and Volunteers take. Safety first.
It is why the event also attracts great respect. And to think, in 33 years (plus one Winter version which didn’t draw a crowd for some reason) it has never missed.
Craig and Sam did extraordinary things, as I am sure you did too, to get it there. You rightly settled on two ‘waves’. But they weren’t really two waves.
They were two separate events on the one day and an 8 to 10 hour commitment on the day alone – staggering, and a huge tribute to all involved. Both successful. Both safe. Both appreciated.
It was also a highlight to see so many original swimmers and original Clubbies there again and involved.
But an even bigger highlight to spot the scores of juniors and even nippers there helping. A 9-5 exercise. And all looking and doing the part. Well kitted. Well disciplined. Well mannered. And well, just terrific. Just wonderful.
It has always been our hope that the P2P endures. For what it brings to the wellbeing of so many people & swimming generally but also for the contribution it makes to the Community and the Club.
Robbie and I are getting older for some reason. We have more ailments every year. But we remain steadfast in looking for 40!!
One, Two Waves or Three – waiver not! It is brilliant. Very proud, every year, to play even a meagre role in its production. Thank You. And please pass on our deepest thanks to your champion team.
Warmest Best Wishes
Ted B
Hi Matt,
Thanks for your text msg about Sunday on what was a very unusual day with two events having to be run with the associated covid restrictions. However, congratulations must be extended to the Club for not only running the P2P, but also the Portsea Swim Classic, in what have been very difficult circumstances this season.
For the last few years, I have participated in the Victorian Swim Series which has meant visiting at least a dozen other clubs for their ocean swims. But not this year, as most clubs abandoned the swims as being too hard to put on. That’s where Portsea has shown the way and the Club should be very proud of what it has achieved this season. Craig and Sam are to be congratulated for their untiring efforts in ensuring that all the helpers and volunteers were so well co-ordinated in carrying out the various tasks that were assigned to them.
Ted and I have the easy job of swimming in the P2P event, but without the assistance of so many little known members of the Club, the event would not exist.