The Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC) provides participants with the basic skills and knowledge of surf awareness, rescue techniques, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), first aid, communications, and radio operations. The SRC is a great way for candidates to engage as a team and improve their fitness!
SRC is an excellent opportunity for participants to begin developing and practising their patrol skills. After attaining your SRC you can patrol at Portsea Back Beach as part of a PSLSC Patrol.

Click the READ MORE button for detailed information on the 2024-2025 SRC Program, including a program outline, information regarding fees and everything else you need to know.
SRC 2024-25 program dates are below:
- 2nd, 3rd & 4th Jan 2024
Sessions will be run at Quarantine Station & Portsea Back Beach (conditions permitting). SRC candidates will be informed about session locations closer to the start date of the SRC program.