Bay To Surf 2025 – Competitor Information
January 18, 2023
Portsea SLSC Club Champs 2023
February 10, 2023The Portsea Book Group is a casual and fun way to catch up with other members and read a variety of different books (and just chat about books, writers’ festivals, movies and other things in general!). There is absolutely no pressure to come along with “great insights” or to even finish the book!
We meet on the third Wednesday of the month, usually at 7.30pm (except for the months of January, February and March when we catch up earlier to make the most of the sunsets on the balcony – 5.30pm for January and 6.30pm for February and March). It’s a combination of “in person” and zoom meetings to accommodate all of our different locations, and we have a WhatsApp group for in between discussions.
If you are interested and want to join or find out more, please contact Kerri Hart on [email protected]